
Thursday, July 27

11:00 am (GMT-3)

Virtual Workshop

Spanish / English

(Simultaneous translation available)

Duration: 60 minutes


 Luisa Palacios, senior research scholar of the Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP), Columbia University; will present their recently published report: Assessing ESG Risks in National Oil Companies: Transcending ESG Ratings with a Better Understanding of Governance (download here).

This paper, part of the Financing the Energy Transition initiative at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University SIPA, aims to provide a better understanding of what impacts the ESG performance of NOCs in emerging markets. The authors survey ESG ratings of the largest national oil and gas companies in emerging markets for which such ratings are available, alongside the scores of some of the largest integrated oil and gas companies from advanced countries.

This presentation will trigger a peer-discussion about good ESG practices in oil and gas companies and how can ARPEL help to make progress in this area.



Luisa Palacios

Senior Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP), Columbia University

Only for ARPEL members - Free of charge - Pre-registration is required - Limited spaces available